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Create your Bitcoin Wallet. 

More details >>>

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Create your Bitcoin Wallet. 
More details >>>
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Install Bitcoin Wallet software on your PC or mobile device in order to start making payments. More details >>>
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Install Bitcoin Wallet software on your PC or mobile device in order to start making payments. More details >>>

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By choosing to pay via Bitcoin, we assume that you already have Bitcoins in your Bitcoin Wallet. You can buy Bitcoins from participating exchanges and/or directly from others selling them. To learn more about where to buy, please click here. More details >>>

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By choosing to pay via Bitcoin, we assume that you already have Bitcoins in your Bitcoin Wallet. You can buy Bitcoins from participating exchanges and/or directly from others selling them. To learn more about where to buy, please click here. More details >>>
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Log in to your account page and select the order you would like to pay using Bitcoins.
In the order details you will see QR Code/Bitcoin Address that you will need for transferring the Bitcoin payment to us. Take a picture of the QR Code if you are using mobile device Bitcoin software or copy the Bitcoin Address if you are using a web application. Complete the transaction that will appear in your Wallet.
Please note that the QR Code/Bitcoin Address will be valid for 15 minutes only. In case your code expires, please refresh the page or click on your order details and a new QR Code/Bitcoin Address will be generated for another 15 minutes.
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Within an hour (on rare occasions up to 12 hours) you will automatically receive confirmation of your order payment in your Yourmuscleshop account and by email.
Please be advised:
We never send notification e-mails with the Bitcoin address. Instructions can be found only on your Yourmuscleshop order page.
Once the order is placed, you cannot delete it, as it will delete your payment details.
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Log in to your account page and select the order you would like to pay using Bitcoins.

In the order details you will see QR Code/Bitcoin Address that you will need for transferring the Bitcoin payment to us. Take a picture of the QR Code if you are using mobile device Bitcoin software or copy the Bitcoin Address if you are using a web application. Complete the transaction that will appear in your Wallet.

Please note that the QR Code/Bitcoin Address will be valid for 15 minutes only. In case your code expires, please refresh the page or click on your order details and a new QR Code/Bitcoin Address will be generated for another 15 minutes.

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Within an hour (on rare occasions up to 12 hours) you will automatically receive confirmation of your order payment in your Yourmuscleshop account and by email.
Please be advised:
We never send notification e-mails with the Bitcoin address. Instructions can be found only on your Yourmuscleshop order page.
Once the order is placed, you cannot delete it, as it will delete your payment details.
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